Facebook: Paid Model or Always Free?

A new poll says that Facebook users would pay $10 or more per month to like and share without the annoyance of advertisements. But would such a service be profitable? And how will businesses make use of social media for lead generation and customer retention if the paid model catches on? Will they simply adopt other methods for reaching consumers? Or exit the social realm altogether?

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Social Media and Publicity Power

If leveraging the power of Twitter and Facebook seems like a necessary evil – and your customers seem to view it that way, as well — you’re not alone. Since social media seems to be working for some, though, what are the keys to using it effectively, business-wise? Can a medium known for light, fluffy and personal be turned into a vehicle for pitching bona fide services and products?

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Promoting Beauty Products via Social Media

If you’re a brand interested in using sites like Facebook and Twitter to promote beauty-based products and services, remember that it’s imperative to deliver to engage consumers in a manner that is relevant, engaging and inspires them to act.

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Using Gamification to Engage Customers and Employees

Expanding on the premise that most activities – including shopping and work – aren’t as stressful if they feel like fun, gamification has risen to prominence in the world of retail. Merchants as diverse as Nike, Whole Foods and New York-area drug store chain Duane Reade are taking a long, hard look at how online games and apps can help them improve the bottom line while keeping customers — and employees – entertained. And, the retailers hope, loyal.

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Digital Mavericks Using Social Media to Change Our Lives

The leaps and bounds taking place in social media amount to more than graduated upgrades. And the people driving the changes are no longer referred to as movers and shakers. According to Details magazine, the new social players are known as “digital mavericks” because what they bring to the technological table promises to change the way we live and interact on a daily basis.

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Tools to Simplify Your Social Media Management

As the popularity of social media continues to grow today, we are seeing a surge in social networks. Thankfully, there are numerous tools available to help you manage the growing list of social networks. Each tool has its pros and cons, but you will certainly find at least one that is right for you.

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Can Twitter Swing the Presidential Election?

With the Presidential candidates both using Twitter to speak to their constituents, Pierce Mattie Communications takes a look at the successes and failures of each, as well as what it means for political campaigns of the future.

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